

Offices / Mailing address
Popovova 948/1, Praha 4, ČR
Working Hours
Mo - Fr 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
+420 220 400 391
+420 220 400 395
Headquarters / Billing address
V Borovičkách 278, 252 26 Kosoř, ČR
Company ID
VAT no.
Company registered
at Municipal Court of Prague
ref. C 2448.

Informace k produktům, VPOIS (Veřejně přístupná odborná informační služba):
[javascript protected email address]
Email je určený veřejnosti pro zasílání dotazů týkajících se našich produktů.
Více informací o našich volnoprodejních produktech vč. rady odborníka naleznete na webových stránkách jednotlivých produktů, viz odkazy níže:
RECYFLOR | VIP mami | NatiFem | KlimaSei | Lomikam
Logistics & orders:
[javascript protected email address]
The email is only for medical and pharmaceutical staff to order our products.
If you are a consumer of our OTC portfolio (including food supplements or medical devices), please use the website of the individual product to order.
Marketing & PR:
[javascript protected email address]
Email určený firmám pro nabídky marketingové spolupráce (PR, inzerce, reklamní předměty atp.) vč. spolupráce s e shopy.
Business Development:
[javascript protected email address]
This email is for companies to offer potential new products to the company´s portfolio.
[javascript protected email address]
The email is only for reporting a suspected adverse effect or adverse event associated with the use of our medical products.
You can also report the suspicion on the phone number +420 702 252 095.
[javascript protected email address]
This email is intended for reporting suspected defects in the quality of our products.
You can also report the suspicion on the phone number +420 702 252 095.

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